Experience You Can Trust, Service You Can Count On
The only way to build the right solution is to fully understand the problem.
The first and most important step is understanding our clients problems. We do this in a number of ways. Sometimes over a cup of coffee, other times we get all of the important people into a room to discuss and every now & then we receive a document that explains the situation.
Of Experience
Our golden rule is to understand the problem fully before writing the first line of code.
Identifying the resources
Once we understand the problem, our focus changes to what resources the client has. We need to know the systems, the infrastructure, the people, the departments, the tools, … everything.
Why is this important?
We need to know everything that is at our disposal so that we can build the best possible solution for our client’s business. From this its easy to see that software development is not a one size fits all solution. Each solution needs to be crafted for a particular business.
We spend a lot of time doing analysis. Technology is easy for us. Understanding our clients businesses is much more difficult. We hate reinventing the wheel. It’s way too expensive and a total waste of time. If we know about a system or tool that can fulfil our clients needs, we would recommend that any day of the week. Building something that already exists is a last resort for us.
Quality Services

How Can We help you
We help you take your business to the next level

How Can We help you
Finding a solution
After understanding the problem and having an idea of what a client already has in place, we are ready to design a solution and figure out what team we need to pull off the project. This is the first point at which we will be able to determine what resources are required and the duration of the project. Its still very high level but it gives our clients a good enough idea on the cost and how long its going to take.
We break the delivery down into Milestones. This way business can start leveraging the new functionality often and in smaller pieces. Within each iteration our clients clearly understand what is going to be delivered in how much of time.
The software projects that we work on runs for at least 6 months and some run up to 3-5 years depending on complexity. Throughout the process, we love client engagement. We want our clients to be as committed to the project as much as we are. This is the only way that we can guarantee success. Having our clients work closely with us also help us identify misunderstandings early. Remember; our aim is to build the right system not just to build a system.
Our Development process as well as the tools we use are standardized across projects. This way our software engineers are able to focus on building the solution rather than understanding the technology.