Terminal Velocity
According to the dictionary, Terminal Velocity means; the constant speed that a freely falling object eventually reaches when the resistance of the medium through which it is falling prevents further acceleration.
What is terminal velocity in simple words?
If an object is dropped from a particular height, the object will accelerate up to a certain point. When this point is reached, the object will cease to accelerate and its speed will be constant. This constant speed is known as terminal velocity.
Now, let us try explain this concept in the context of a software project. Firstly, software projects rely on a particular team structure. This team structure is made up of members that hold business knowledge and others that hold technical knowledge.
The team reaches its optimal productivity when the following factors have been met:
Technical Team has full grasp of technical tools
3 Months
Technical team understands business problem to solve
6 Months
Technical team understands technical processes
1.5 Months
Technical team understands technical limitations
1 Month
Business team understands technical processes
3 Months
Business team understands technical limitations
6 Months
Lastly, the team size plays a very important role. If the team is too big, the team is never able reach optimal productivity because the knowledge is spread too thin over the team. If the team is too small, the team is never able reach optimal productivity because the knowledge is too much to be absorbed by the team.
So, if all factors are met we can say that a team has reached Terminal Velocity. This team will be able to produce at the highest rate possible.
How much money can Anylytical Technologies save you?
Anylytical Technologies standardises the architecture, tool stack and technical processes across all projects. Therefore the following factors are fully achieved on day 1 of the project.
- Technical Team has full grasp of technical tools
- Technical team understands technical processes
- Technical team understands technical limitations
The Sum of time equals to 5.5 months. This means that Anylytical Technologies will save you 5.5 months worth of time until your team reaches it Terminal Velocity. You can then multiply this time by the team size to get a monetary value to what your actual saving will be. This amount albeit being a big amount is only the cost of using the services of Anylytical Technologies and does not count the cost saving with internal resources.